Hmmm. Despite my "motivational" input in my previous post, as 2016 comes to the second month, I've grown to fear more of the unknown.
I'm scared of what the future holds for me.
I'm scared of who will be the next person to leave me forever.
I'm scared of how Y2S2 would be.
I'm scared of which would greet me first, death or success.
I'm scared.
I'm just scared of the next moment that will happen in my life.
But I guess, it's normal to feel this way. Isn't it?
Sometimes, I think too much, too hard into the future, that it scares every inch of me.
Then, there's always this phrase that will always give me the strength and courage to face the now. "Kun Faya Kun": Be, and it is! That for whatever that will happen next, it's all predestined. And that Allah destines the best for us. Because Allah wants something to happen in your life, so it happened. And because of this, always trust Allah. He is the best planner of all planners. And yes, what remains is to do your best, and tawakkal ilallah. Just leave the rest to Allah, and trust Him. In Shaa Allah, it'll be fine.
And that's how you get the ever-positive Nur Faqirah. I try my very best to be optimistic. Well, we all need that positive vibe around us. So yea, trust Allah because you know, He only wants the best for us. In Shaa Allah, Amiin!
Okay, now, I need to get done with my Y2S2, so i need to do my assignments! Hahaha. Goodnight!