Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Post A's


It's 26th November 2013, the day I've been waiting for. The day that I'm finally free from this taxing route. Not that I'm totally free, but it feels really nice to know that I don't need to commit myself to studying for quite some time. I feel like a bird who is now out of its cage. Well, not literally. 

I have to admit that 'A' Levels is itself a learning experience. Throughout the course of my studies in this route, I came to know myself. It's like I learnt more about myself. Well, who would knew that I could really study from 8 am to 12 am everyday? Who would knew that I could really sit down and study? I wasn't born smart (neither do everybody, just that teeny-weeny percentage of the world's population). So, I have to admit, I really had to work hard to get what I want. Not that I've gotten my results, but I'm pretty sure I'll be just fine. Even if I fail, hey, life goes on, right? 

So, now that I'm free, it's finally time for me to catch up with life. It's time to do some soul-searching, blogging, and all the things I've always wanted to do (but couldn't because of 'A' Levels)! It's finally me-time now! And of course, while working at the same time. /:

Alright! I will get going, to enjoy myself now. 