Thursday, February 13, 2014


Hi guys! I'm back, like finally. Just a little something I'd like to share with all of you. Really. From the bottom of my heart.

I recently watched a video: The End is Near (click the link) on Facebook. It gave me a good wake up call as to how little time I have left, before the Almighty take it all away from me simply because
 إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ 
(From Allah we came, and to Him we shall return)
It reminded me (time and again) as to how much I have lacked as his creation. I totally love it when I'm constantly reminded of my flaws, just so that I can repent as quickly as possible, before I stray away too much. Alhamdulillah! 

I came to ask myself: Why are we even being ignorant? Why do we take those signs by the Almighty for granted? The question is: Why?
Why do we take everything for granted? Why do we even forget to say 'Alhamdulillah' every single day when we wake up? Why do we forget to say 'Alhamdulillah' after a meal? Why do we forget to praise Allah for all the tiniest blessings that He has granted us for?
Instead of being grateful and/or saying "Alhamdulillah", why were we even boastful when something good happened to us, when actually, it was all Him that made it all possible. It was Him who decide on everything.

Instead of praising Allah, why do we choose to say, "I hate my life." when some things didn't go according to our will? Do we not remember it was His will that made things go differently than as planned? Do we not remember that Allah has something better for us? Do we not remember that if things didn't go as planned, it might be because it will be bad for us? Why do we even mention hating life, when we were supposed to praise Him for everything? And even if something bad did happen/things do not go as planned, we should not even lower our praise to Allah.

So, as a Sister who shares the same faith and who believes in One God i.e. Allah S.W.T, I'd like to just share this video to serve as a reminder how very little time we all have. You, me, her, him. All of us.
We should never be ignorant to the many clear signs that The End is coming. It's just a matter of time.

Whenever things did not go as planned, always remind yourself "There's something better that's coming my way". Like I always do. (That's probably why my family and friends said I'm a happy-go-lucky girl. Well, of course, why dwell on something that's against His will? Of course, something good is in store for me.)

So, guys, let's just take a moment and say "Alhamdulillah for everything you've blessed me with, ya Rabb", okay? It's easy!
Don't forget to praise Allah for everything that happened to you, alright guys?

Have a good weekend ahead!
Keep it coming guys!