Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Wait for Results

The news decided to bomb the announcement for the release of my results just yesterday, right after I woke up.

"2013 GCE 'A' Level exam results will be released next Monday, Mar 3"

A Level exam.
Next Monday.
3rd of March.

My heart did stop for a moment, right after I read the news.
Yes, I was excited for it, but when it was all getting real, all the emotions I had were all mixed up. Excited, worried, nervous. I actually don't know what to do.

Well, by now, my results are done. Confirmed. Probably printed. Just waiting for it to reach my hand.
Wallahi, I honestly don't know what to do once I get the results.
But, as much as I am worried, I try my best to let it loose, and just don't think about it.

I've been assuring myself with that. If it isn't good, then it doesn't matter. I've been telling myself: Life after death is all that matter. This is just Dunya, and Dunya is temporary. Everything that I will see is okay. I'll be strong because I believe, this is the best that Allah has planned for me.
I shall just believe in that.

Yes, Ya Rabb. Make my heart strong on the day when I see whatever is printed on the result slip. Make me strong enough to face whatever I will see. Because in You, I trust, Ya Rabb. Allow me to relax my mind until the day comes, Ya Rabb. 
Despite whatever I've done to calm my nerves down, the pressure is too much actually. It's not just about what I get, it's a matter where I don't even know what's next after I know my results. It's like, this is another life-changing decision that I have to make, and wallahi, I know nuts about it.

Nonetheless, I shall just keep calm and trust Allah. He is the best planners of all planners. Yes, He is the Almighty one. What He has bestow on me, is the best for me.
There's nothing more that I can do. It's done.
It is done the moment I stepped out of the examination hall on 26 November 2013 when I sat for my last paper, which is my Malay Literature paper. It's done there and then.
So, I have nothing in my power to decide on my own results.
I shall then just believe that everything will be fine.

Like on the day of the release of my 'O' Level results, I shall repeat, "Que Sera Sera." Whatever will be, will be.

I'm done sorting my mind out.
Bye! Till then!
Pray for me!
No, actually, pray for the Muslims suffering in Syria/Palestine/India and all around the world is better than praying for me for my results. Well actually, both would be better. Ohwell. Whichever you want to pray for! It doesn't matter.
Keep it comin'!