Friday, June 13, 2014

Who knew her pain?

Only Allah knew.
Allah planned it and Allah knew.
Who knew that this girl, who constantly smile during family gatherings were facing so much pain alone?
Who knew that this girl, who constantly tries to make us happy by creating games were bearing so much pain alone?
Who knew that this girl, who always worked hard were enduring so much pain alone?
Who knew that this girl, who doesn't act her age in front of everybody, was actually trying to ignore the pain?
Who knew?
Nobody, but Allah, and herself.
Not even me, who knew her for 20 years of my life.

It saddens me a lot to be receiving news about her health, from the newspapers just minutes ago.
My heart felt so heavy when trying to read the article about her.
It's like, I never expected this kind of things to be happening to someone who is so close to me.

The memories I had with her will forever be etched in my heart.
Those times we bathed together when were babies.
Those times we played camping in her house.
Those times we played at her void deck.
Those times she tried to make me laugh and smile, after crying when sleeping over at her house.
Those times we discovered an unknown underwear/panties on her bedroom light! (Haha!)
Those times we played with crutches.
Those times we went swimming at A'Famosa and she taught me how to swim.
Those times she shared her love stories to me.

All those times she spent the time with me.
I'll be looking forward to creating more memories with you! (:

Dearest Kakak Izzati,
I hope you're doing really well, and still enduring it. You've done it this far, you should continue doing what you've been doing. That is, to be the strong girl you've always been.
I'm sorry to hear about your health.
But remember, nobody else controls your precious life, other than Him, the Almighty, Allah SWT.
It is all up to Him when to take all of our lives away.
Always believe that there are people behind you, your family and friends, are always there supporting you, cheering you on.
Don't ever give in to your sickness. Bear with it, even though it hurts.
I won't ever know what's the feeling like to have what you're facing.
Though I don't know how painful it is, I know it hurts.
But, fight till the end, don't ever lose hope.
I know you're strong, and I know you're not afraid.
May Allah swt reward you with His blessings forever and ever, till infinity and beyond.
Allah has great plans for you, trust Him.
I'll see you soon, In Shaa Allah.
To you whom I have grown up with for 20 years of my life,
I'm sorry for all the bad things I did to you.
You watched me grow, I watched you grow.
From babies up till young adults, you've always been in my life.
We'll continue seeing each other grow!
So, you have to be strong till the end! 

I've never said this to you before, 
but I love you.
Always have, and always will.