I've been itching for a holiday, for another round of adventure. While I'm almost confirmed going on a crazy Aussie-bound vacation in May 2015, I thought of spicing up things a little bit and go on an impromptu short trip out to Japan.
I have this undying interest to visit Japan. I want to see all of the fun stuffs in Japan.
That being said, i've been looking for people to go Japan with me, but since it's a sudden plan, nobody actually can go with me. The only person left is, Mom. However, Mom had been nagging to me to save up the money for Australia.
I am definitely fine to go on a crazy solo adventure to Japan because 1, I'll just have to worry about my own expenses. No money? No problem!
I'll just have to fork out for my flight alone whereas bringing mom, I'll have to pay for hers too, which i don't mind. But she don't want to go Japan!
I want to see Shibuya!
I want to see the famous Shibuya Crossing. And of course Tokyo Tower.
While I dare to go on a solo adventure, my petite size has always been a problem. So, mom is obviously against it.
Small but brave. (:
Dear 2015,
You'll be the start of something new. Australia will definitely not be the only country I travel to.
I'll see you really soon, Japan. You'll be next in my list after I accomplished going to Australia.
Wait for me, Shibuya, Shinjuku, Harajuku! I'll come to you really soon!