Monday, August 22, 2016



Alhamdulillah for a sweet weekend to celebrate our beloved sister's birthday.
The lady who went through storms before me, who is my father's darling daughter, who is my mother's bestfriend and confidante, who is a victim of me and my brother's irritating play.

We have grown so much that weekends are no longer spent as a five, as a three. 2016 has been testing me on my patience and emotions.

Missing my siblings whenever they're out with their fiance, missing siblings time. Bonding with them since we were young defo left a great effect on me. So great that sometimes i want them to just me.
But ive to live with how things are right now. It's okay, in Shaa Allah, all is well.

Ya Allah, Ya Rabbi,
Youve blessed me with a great childhood, with a lot of fond memories of me with my family.
Youve blessed me with a loving family. Syukur Alhamdulillah for them ya Rabb.
Keep them safe wherever they may be. Bless them with happiness. Cast a smile on them whenever theyre down. When im not around, give them strength to brave through storms. Grant them everlasting happiness, for theyve given my happiness all my life. Protect them, for theyve been so protective of me. Love them, for theyve loved me.

May the bond we have lasts till Jannatul Firdaus. Only death can do us apart, usrati.