It's sad how modern technology is one of the factors that connects people but at the same time, ruins relationships.
It's sad how modern technology is one of the factors that gives a myriad of information to users, but at the same time, spoils them.
As I travel in the trains or buses, all I see is commuters using their smartphones.
As I sit down for lunch/dinner outside, all I see is people using their smartphones even over a meal.
All I see is people are using their smartphones everytime and everywhere.
What they don't know (or if I must say, they do know but chose to ignore), is that they are actually missing the beauty of life itself.
The sky, the trees, the sea; are some of the things we, humans, cannot enjoy from smartphones or technology per se.
Don't you get irritated by your kin who continuously uses their smartphones everytime, and you're just there (physically) yearning for some human interaction? I personally do. I wish everybody I know, especially my loved ones, would stop using their smartphones for a day, and just interact with me. If any of us dies, we won't be able to do this anymore. The memories we have of one another All we know is: so and so is always with his/her smartphones. Wouldn't it be nice if the memories we have is: His/her jokes and laughter, and those quality time we had together.
Wouldn't it be nice to create beautiful memories together, instead of being too addicted to the virtual world? Wouldn't it then be a more beautiful life?
Not that I want people to stop using their smartphones, it's just that at least with a little bit more of discipline and control, we can really have a better and more meaningful life. We can learn to appreciate whatever and whoever is around us, don't you think so?
Well, that's it for now.
I'm not pinning down on anybody, just expressing my train of thoughts.
Will be back again!
Keep it coming, guys!