Hello! ^^
It had been quite some time since I last blogged. I know I haven't been blogging religiously. (Blame the laziness in me!)
Well, there's nothing new that's happening in my life. It's just that, I'm really enjoying all the free time I have.
I have been spending time at home, spending some quality time with my mom, and just catching up on the dramas/shows.
Oh! And I have been really busy searching for jobs.
Since I'm on the jobs part, I shall talk about it.
I have been applying for many jobs (the kind of jobs that I want i.e. administrative/clerical jobs). And I'm still unemployed. The reasons may be that:
1. the job I was offered for wasn't what I really wanted to do for the next 6 months of my life.
2. the job was too demanding
3. if I were to take up this particular job, I would have a hard time applying my leave for Korea trip.
4. the competition is really stiff, I'm not wanted. *inserts sarcastic smile*
It's so difficult to find jobs these days. Even part time ones. BUT! There always comes a rainbow after a downpour. After soooo many rejections by various companies, I am finally starting work this Wednesday! Hooray! It's not the kind of job I wanted, but this is my last resort, if not, I would have to go to Korea like a beggar. Yup! Penniless! How pathetic! (No, I didn't mean that beggars are pathetic. They have a hard time earning money, I definitely understand that. What I meant was, going to Korea for 13 days and not having enough money to spend :))
I'm pretty much excited for work this coming Wednesday. I have been rotting at home since 3 weeks ago. And yes, I'm getting pretty much tired with that routine which is: sleep - wake up - eat - watch tv - eat - sleep and the cycle continues.
Now my financial plans are affected since I started work late. Let's just pray, everything will be alright.
That aside: to all the younger ones, you have no idea how harsh reality is right now, especially in the working world. So, don't you ever wish you would want to grow up fast. If I was given a chance, I definitely would want to turn back the time to my Secondary school days and repeat the pre-university days again, just be a student, and the only thing I'm stressed about is my own studies.
Now that I have completed the 3 phases of my life, I have extra responsibility to carry out that is, supporting myself financially. Oh well, this is life.
I will blog again soon! I promise!
Goodbye, loves.